Lightweight Backfill
Session Chairs:
Fei Wang, Tarleton State University and Ryan Corey, RTE Technologies

Reduction of Lateral Earth Pressures behind Retaining Walls Using EPS and Geosynthetic Reinforcement
Hao Liu, Jie Han and Robert Parsons, University of Kansas

Ultra-Lightweight Foamed Glass Aggregate as MSE Wall Backfill: Properties and Case Studies
Theresa Loux and Archie Filshill, Aero Aggregates of North America, LLC

Effects of Geofoam Geometry and Location on Vertical Stresses on Buried Culverts during Construction and under Surface Loading
Mahdi Al-Naddaf and Sajjad Emad Rasheed, University of Kerbala; S. Mustapha Rahmaninezhad, Terracon Consulting Inc.; Jie Han, University of Kansas

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