Walls, Embankments and Slopes
Session Chair: Amr Morsy, Loughborough University
Case Study: Geosynthetic Wrap-Face Vegetated MSE Walls for Enhancing Public Works Projects
Stanley Miller, University of Idaho; Todd Larson and Drew Loizeaux, Propex GeoSolutions
Simplified Method for Calculating Vertical Stresses in Limited-Space Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Walls
Yuqiu Ye and Jie Han, University of Kansas; Jamal Kakrasul, Soran University; Rui Rui, Wuhan University of Technology
Limit Equilibrium Analysis of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Retaining Wall Supported Footings
S. Mustapha Rahmaninezhad, Terracon Consulting Inc; Jie Han, University of Kansas; Mahdi Al-Naddaf, University of Kerbala; Jaber Mamaghanian, Iran University of Science and Technology